Ahh yeah that's a problem then. And no scanner you could access somewhere?
Man of everything by everyone
ur mom
Flash 8 docs
Joined on 10/20/22
Ahh yeah that's a problem then. And no scanner you could access somewhere?
Well, my dad works on job where he haz scanners but It would be a long process
Aha, well at least there is a possible way then :) If nothing else works...
If nothing
They do not understand the art that you are capable of transmitting
I do see potential in you bro!
I also draw with mause but I know my tricks, I hope to have one of those pencils one day...
(artistic ultra sentimental sob)
I had one. But I have lost it.
R.I.P really high quality content
Then something :)
You would give me the honor of drawing me in your style, it would be great to be able to see it bro
I have a full body drawing of me in my drawings on my account
I will look forward to that wonderful art
Yes, why not. Lemme draw ya.
You would give me the honor of drawing me in your style, it would be great to be able to see it bro
I have a full body drawing of me in my drawings on my account
I will look forward to that wonderful art
Is a drawing tablet actually cheaper than coloring pens over there? :O
Hope you get some suitable equipment though... KK is a bit notorious for that kind of stuff, they've lost a lot of accounts over the years, though they're fun to have around IMO.
Whatever you choose hope it goes alright!
No, but my camera is shit.